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50 min
30 British pounds
Cheetham Hill

Service Description

拉伸放松冥想普拉提”是一门旨在通过深度拉伸、放松和冥想,帮助你达到身心平衡的课程。课程结合了普拉提的柔和动作与冥想技巧,专注于全身的伸展与舒缓,帮助你释放身体的紧张感,放松肌肉,减轻压力,提升整体的身心健康。 在课程中,你将通过温和的普拉提动作,拉伸和舒展各个部位的肌肉,特别是容易紧张的肩颈、背部和腿部区域。每个动作都配合着深长的呼吸节奏,帮助你进入一种放松的状态。在拉伸和舒展的过程中,课程还融入了冥想的元素,指导你专注于当下,清空杂念,进入一种深度放松的心境。 这门课程适合任何希望通过运动与冥想来改善身心状态的学员。无论你是为了缓解工作压力、提高睡眠质量,还是单纯希望让身体得到更好的恢复和休息,这门课程都能满足你的需求。通过规律的练习,你将体验到身体的柔韧性增强,肌肉紧张感减少,情绪更加平和,整体的身心状态得到显著改善。

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation or rescheduling of the reformer Pilates session must be made at least 24 hours in advance online, otherwise full fee will be charged. Customers are required to arrive at the studio at least 5 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled reformer Pilates session. If it's your first class, please arrive 10 minutes early to go through the reformer safety procedure. You may be refused entry if you are late, and no refund will be provided in this case. Grip socks are mandatory to ensure safety and stability during the workout. No food or drink (other than water in sealed bottles) allowed in the studio.

Contact Details

  • 53 Derby Street, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, UK


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