Service Description
力量暴汗燃脂普拉提”是一门高强度的普拉提课程,专为那些希望通过流汗燃烧脂肪的学员设计。这门课程将传统普拉提的动作与力量训练相结合,通过一系列动态和静态练习,全面激活你的肌肉群,提升心率,促进卡路里的燃烧。课程不仅强调肌肉的塑形和力量的提升,还通过持续的运动和强度变化,帮助你快速燃烧脂肪,达到减脂瘦身的效果。 在课程中,你将进行全身的训练,重点锻炼核心、手臂、臀部和腿部等主要部位,同时增强身体的耐力和柔韧性。每个动作都设计得精确且富有挑战性,确保你能够在短时间内获得显著的训练效果。无论你是想减重、塑形,还是提高身体的整体素质,这门课程都能满足你的需求。课程适合所有健身水平的学员,通过适当的调整,你可以根据自己的体能状态找到最适合自己的训练强度。持续参与课程,你将能感受到力量的增强、脂肪的燃烧,以及身体线条的明显改善
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation or rescheduling of the reformer Pilates session must be made at least 24 hours in advance online, otherwise full fee will be charged. Customers are required to arrive at the studio at least 5 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled reformer Pilates session. If it's your first class, please arrive 10 minutes early to go through the reformer safety procedure. You may be refused entry if you are late, and no refund will be provided in this case. Grip socks are mandatory to ensure safety and stability during the workout. No food or drink (other than water in sealed bottles) allowed in the studio.
Contact Details
53 Derby Street, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, UK